Ya they've really stepped up since Jimmy became the #1 option. At the start of the year, they tried making Jimmy play off of wiggins and towns and be more of the defensive leader. But since theyve switched wiggy and butler's responsibilities, theyve been about as good as the raptors have been this season.

I think we're actually seeing some signs of wiggins developing defensively this season. His offensive stats have all slipped, but that's still a bit of a small sample size thing imo. That team is setup so nicely if they can develop towns and wiggy during Butler's prime. I think they are scary, but in terms of contention, those 2 need to be much better. Especially Wiggins.

NBA RPM has Jimmy as the most valuable player in basketball this year. He might be the most underrated superstar in the league. I think we've been comparing and contrasting him to Paul George over the last few years in terms of talent, but I honestly feel like Butler probably surpassed George last year. His playmaking and intangibles are simply on another level.