Quote Originally Posted by Wizzy` View Post

me and zander both surprised eachother with a field of knights because I guess we both just wanted to play and didn't go into the tutorial. that's on me I guess.

Not sure if it was lag or a bug but once in a while one of the knights would get bashed back a tile without being hit(or maybe it was hit? just no idea what was happening).

like i said, I had fun. I figured out to hold the assigned buttons to move the units, just didn't know how to play fully it seems like, i'll be on tomorrow hoping to find a game.
lol yea it's on you. Though, based on this site - turn based gameplay, it might have seemed like you could pick 10 units and have infinite time to figure it out. Not so when your opponent could attack at any moment! To repeat TAB key is you friend! Oh and we've added the ability to swap servers now.
10 units is for high skill. Most people start at 4-6 and move up to 8-10. Also, some maps and game types have RADICALLY different strategies depending on the number of units. You wouldnt use a priest 1v1 but he becomes a staple 6v6 units and up.
Right Shift and the arrow keys cycles thru the unit spawn options. the number keys also sets the options.So, If you type :
0 - you'd get a Knight. - staple in death match , so-so in timed against certain teams.
1 - Geomancer
2 - Werewolf - This is a noob killer
3 - Mage
4 - Priest <- will be hated
5 - Dragon
6 - Assassin
7 - Nother
8 - Ronin
9 - Archer
10 - Monk
11 - ForestSpirit
12 - HammerKnight <- fun! Noob- killer too
13 - Spearman
14 - Trapper
15 - Mime <- Boy does he feel op sometimes!
16 - Sealing Ward
17 - Elemental Ward <- think TAO

Most units have reactive abilities(Passives) that activate when they are not under direct control
This reduces the game complexity because you can set n forget certain formations will you focus on other spots in the game.
example - the archer auto shoots enemies visible within 3 tiles.
the Mime will copy ally moves.
the Were wolf will howl when struck and push back nearby objects.

The pushing happened because one of you double tapped forward. If you double tap to move in the same direction you are facing you will push on arrival.
The Knight does a shield bump - push that prevents status damage and reduces damage by 2/3. Some units will just simply push while other (mime,Wards) can't.
Double tapping any other direction will make you turn and walk there whereas a simple tap is to walk. To turn in place simply hold the arrow key. This is in the
Movement tutorial. All the tutorials are 1 - 1.5 min long... we know no one wants to go so we boiled it down quick. When the RPG mode / the training mode ai is up
you will be able to hone your skills there instead.

You scared me. When you said "not much to it" I thought you had tried all the Units! The OP has a screen shot of the cast. If I had just Knights it would be a meager offering indeed! Email us at cenobiumsoftware@gmail.com if you ever need an opponent and we will see you tomorrow!