Those are a lot of awesome points Hugh. Points I admittedly didn't consider. Like I said, my question is more from a medical standpoint than a football standpoint.

The thing that's super interesting about football, and this is coming from someone who isn't a football fan, is how much the game evolves regularly. I don't think it's unfair to say the passing game today is nothing like how football was played even twenty years ago. The running game was much more prolific in the eighties (and correct me if I'm wrong). The only personal comparison I can draw is fighting, again. And I know you love fighting. If you watch early UFC it's nothing like it is now. It evolves as athletes find out better ways to do things and rules change.

Again I'm not approaching this topic from a fan stance, it's simply from an objective medical stance. I think you get what I'm saying though. Boxing would likely be safer if they could wear smaller gloves and knock each other out quicker. Which will never happen. The NFL would likely be safer if they could eliminate pads and force the players to think more about what they're doing.