Maybe I just dont understand basketball markets like I do baseball markets, but I think I made a fair case as to why a team might value our young pieces. The raptors have the best nba ready depth in the NBA right now and its not even close. I can understand people arguing why boston or another team has more resources to trade for boogie, but you cant argue that jonas and ross arent significantly valuable pieces. Both are young, on cap friendly deals, and both have shown signs that they would benefit from having larger roles. Jonas especially.

As far as me being a homer is concerned, I think you know me well enough by now or at least have read enough of my posts in these sports threads (sano) to know im a fan of the sports before teams. I may have a small bias for the raptors right now because they dont get enough love from you guys (lowry 〉kyrie), but I can recall two years ago in the alcs against the royals saying that the royals were a better team when everyone was saying toronto was a juggernaut. Homers dont make those kinds of comments. I would invite you to engage my comment with a more challenging argument then spence you're overvaluing your players but if you really think im just a crazy homer I guess thats cool too.