I'll eat my hat if we lose to Syracuse at this point in the season. Syracuse doesn't have the depth to rebound with Duke. Boeheim and K both tend to keep tight rosters - Boeheim for the entire season uses very little bench, while K tends to tighten up the lineups as games become more important. But this season is different, especially in the paint. Bagley, Carter, DeLaurier, and Bolden are going to see time on the floor, and they'll have fresh legs to rebound the basketball. If any of the shooters are making shots I don't think the game stays very close. Duke could come out and have a terrible game and Syracuse could win, but it would take a really bad night for that to happen. Michigan State shot 26% and nearly won. I can't imagine what 26% shooting from the floor would mean for Duke - Bagley and Carter just chucking jumpshots all night? No way those two don't find their way to the rim.

I like all of your picks. The thing about Clemson is they need a lead to play well, and sometimes even that doesn't work. Auburn was so cold to start that game and fell so far behind that Clemson never had to sweat, and they played with so much confidence. If this team still had Grantham, I'd say they could win. But as it stands I don't think it's going to be as close as analysts expect. Kenpom has it at 72-71 Kansas. I'd be shocked if Clemson played that well.