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04-25-2016, 04:15 PM
Its here! Fresh from the nightly bugfixing sessions, I present you Nanites Noir! in "official" alpha release version!
The stage has come where I regard this game as being playable, albeit not fully understandable for outsiders. Therefore observe These annotated screenshots to help me introduce what might seem like swirls of colorful bubbles and circular objects. Imagine you are staring into a test tube filled with a nutritious fluid and observe tiny cell cluster having a go at each other on which can outlive the other... Well not only cell clusters, but actually bacterial cells guarded by fierce nano-scale robots, which in turn are using futuristic high-end military grade weaponry to desintegrate each other... Well and you are in charge of commanding and programming one of these badass machines. What could possibly go wrong in this in-vitro test lab. Rumor has it you are secretly working on some obscure military project, but thats just what the coffe-junkies in caffeteria are saying. Don't trust people who actually enjoy coffee...
I will be truly thankful for anyone interested in laying the groundworks of this game, that is helping me test out the core game/battle mechanics and identify stuff that is overpowered or useless at this stage. So go ahead and register an account if you haven't done so already! I'll be giving out plenty of bonus stuff for the early birds.
The "missing feature road" still has plenty of milestones strewn along before the new "official" release, so expect some of this stuff to appear in near future:
- battle log (current work in progress); browse through previous battles step by step to get insight in where you nanite may fail in combat.
- win prizes; winning battles (or just participating in them) will grant you a chance at winning new (and powerful) instructions and nanites.
- nanites management improvement; see where your nanites are in use, recall active (unanswered) challenges. (currently editing your nanite will cancel any challenge it is registered in, this includes source challenge.)
- chat window; this is an elaborate section with a public chat window, and chat windows for every friend you want to include
- function buttons in chat window; challenge user, jump to user, ...
- clan system
- public and private (user-created) tournaments (far fetch, but all existing mechanics are prepared for this feature)
Please, if you have any questions go ahead and ask. I would LOVE to see some action here!
Main fluid area where you let your cell cluster "swim" around collecting nutrition bubbles to let your cell cluster grow. Search for other users to challenge or nurtion sources to occupy (bigger blue object near the center - also selection shows "BLUE SOURCE"). By occupying a nutrition source, the "source score" will slowly rise over time to and converge to a maximum of 500 points. The occupying user will earn these points when a different user successfully occupies the nurtition source and in turn earns 10% of that score as a bonus.
If you challenge an other user or occupy a nutrition source, the nanite will be regarded as "in use" and you will not be able to engage in further challenges. In current lack of a nice nanite status overview, please go ahead an edit your nanite setup if you need to free it from an existing challenge. Any existing challenge (or source occupation) will be cancelled once you edit your nanite setup (see below).
Nanite management section. You will start out with one nanite, surrounded by the cells of your cell cluster. Click on it and select edit in order to modify its instruction register. The Starting instruction register is a randomized set of moderately defensive instruction setups (and has till today proven quite useful at times)
The nanite editor shows you the instruction register, which will be executed step by step from left to right (starting at postiion 0). The instruction register has 12 positions, and the execution will loop a few times until any winning conditions are met (conditions are nanite hit points or cell count reduced to zero), otherwise the battle ends in a draw. Your main objective is to define an instruction register setup that succeeds in reaching a winning condition while preventing the opponent in doing so.
Every instruction has three attributes that define its performance when executed:
PRW (power) describes the strength with which an instruction is executed. For most instructions to take effect, they need to have PWR greater than enemy RES.
POT (potence) is the magnitude of the executed instruction, e.g. the damage it deals or the instruction register slots it affects.
RES (resistance) is the overall ability of the nanite and cell cluster to withstand incomming attacks.
When you click on an instruction within the register, a section called instruction editor will appear. Here you can spend PTS (points) on the instruction attributes, whereas the costs vary for every instruction (see the tooltip on the plus and minus buttons). Details about the instruction nature (category) and effect are listed on the right side.
At the bottom, the instruction palette shows all your available instructions, each with a counter on top. Click on an instruction from the palette and then on the instruction register position you want it inserted - this will replace any previously present instruction at that position.
When you are satisfied with your setup, click save at the very bottom. Note that a "valid" instruction register only states that every instruction register position holds an instruction, but not that the PTS (points) are well spent.
Some additional notes:
If you edit and save the instruction register of a nanite that was in use (i.e. you have created an unanswered challenge for another player, or the nanite is currently occupying a nutrition source), these challenges will be deleted! If a user were allowed to change the nanite setup after occupying a nutrition source, one could go all offensive at first, and then turtle up when the mission was successful - thats not the meaning of the game.
I am currently working on how a user gets meaningful information about where their nanites are in use (open challenges, occupied nutrtion sources), and also if there are any incoming challenges from other players. Its all work in progress on a prioritized list...
Overview of battle Reports in chronological order. The list shows number of cells and nanites on attackers and defenders side, together with the battle outcome and score gain of the player. Clicking on a timestamp in the "time" column will take you to the "battle log" (see below).
The battle log lets you browse through every instruction execution of that battle. It is an intermediate method to see what is actually happening (and where the enemy nanite instruction register has its weak points) before a more usable interactive version will be implemented in the near future.
Simple user rankings. You can click on various column headers to sort the list. The column "instructions" shows the number of distinct instructions a user owns.
04-29-2016, 06:28 PM
You think Xerent still has all the files from Genesis?
05-01-2016, 07:53 PM
registration email msg never arrived
05-02-2016, 02:03 PM
You think Xerent still has all the files from Genesis?
err wut?
registration email msg never arrived
Thanks for checking it out and reporting here, Luxvero! Will look into what went wrong and let you know!
Edit: Just as a heads-up, once you log in you will be able to change your email address and re-send the activation email etc. from the account settings menu.
05-02-2016, 02:29 PM
Its here! Fresh from the nightly bugfixing sessions, I present you Nanites Noir! in "official" alpha release version!
The stage has come where I regard this game as being playable, albeit not fully understandable for outsiders. Therefore observe These annotated screenshots to help me introduce what might seem like swirls of colorful bubbles and circular objects. Imagine you are staring into a test tube filled with a nutritious fluid and observe tiny cell cluster having a go at each other on which can outlive the other... Well not only cell clusters, but actually bacterial cells guarded by fierce nano-scale robots, which in turn are using futuristic high-end military grade weaponry to desintegrate each other... Well and you are in charge of commanding and programming one of these badass machines. What could possibly go wrong in this in-vitro test lab. Rumor has it you are secretly working on some obscure military project, but thats just what the coffe-junkies in caffeteria are saying. Don't trust people who actually enjoy coffee...
I will be truly thankful for anyone interested in laying the groundworks of this game, that is helping me test out the core game/battle mechanics and identify stuff that is overpowered or useless at this stage. So go ahead and register an account if you haven't done so already! I'll be giving out plenty of bonus stuff for the early birds.
The "missing feature road" still has plenty of milestones strewn along before the new "official" release, so expect some of this stuff to appear in near future:
- battle log (current work in progress); browse through previous battles step by step to get insight in where you nanite may fail in combat.
- win prizes; winning battles (or just participating in them) will grant you a chance at winning new (and powerful) instructions and nanites.
- nanites management improvement; see where your nanites are in use, recall active (unanswered) challenges. (currently editing your nanite will cancel any challenge it is registered in, this includes source challenge.)
- chat window; this is an elaborate section with a public chat window, and chat windows for every friend you want to include
- function buttons in chat window; challenge user, jump to user, ...
- clan system
- public and private (user-created) tournaments (far fetch, but all existing mechanics are prepared for this feature)
Please, if you have any questions go ahead and ask. I would LOVE to see some action here!
Main fluid area where you let your cell cluster "swim" around collecting nutrition bubbles to let your cell cluster grow. Search for other users to challenge or nurtion sources to occupy (bigger blue object near the center - also selection shows "BLUE SOURCE"). By occupying a nutrition source, the "source score" will slowly rise over time to and converge to a maximum of 500 points. The occupying user will earn these points when a different user successfully occupies the nurtition source and in turn earns 10% of that score as a bonus.
If you challenge an other player or occupy a nutrition source, the nanite will be regarded as "in use" and you will not be able to engage in further challenges. In current lack of a nice nanite status overview, please go ahead an edit your nanite setup if you need to free it from an existing challenge. Any existing challenge (or source occupation) will be cancelled once you edit your nanite setup (see below).
Nanite management section. You will start out with one nanite, surrounded by the cells of your cell cluster. Click on it and select edit in order to modify its instruction register. The Starting instruction register is a randomized set of moderately defensive instruction setups (and has till today proven quite useful at times)
Overview of battle Reports. Clicking on an entry in the "time" column will take you to a "battle log" page that lets you browse through every instruction execution of that battle. It is an intermediate method to see what is actually happening (and where the enemy nanite instruction register has its weak points) before a more usable interactive version will be implemented in the near future.
Simple user rankings. Nothing special to see here! So far no "real" user has managed to gain any points... Be the first!
>copied and edited from this facebook post (<
05-02-2016, 10:03 PM
hmmmm ok, so i can
- hover the mouse to redirect the bubbles to your cluster
- hold mouse inside radar screen to move cluster
- click blue circle outside radar to fast travel to where everyone is
ive eaten some bubbles to accumulate some cells, but couldnt attack anyone or the occupied BlueSource
so i went to the nanites page, clicked my 1 nanite > edit
(whats POT PWR?)
i dont think i bought anything, but i clicked "save" anyways, and finally the popup read "your nanite is ready for battle"
finally i attack and ... holy shit 200 lines of battlelog generated!
is this gonna be a game for obsessive compulsive tacticians?
so a persistent massive tactical game, like Planetarion, DawnOfMyth and others, but instead of a myriad of resources, soldiers, research trees, and exploration, the challenge will be to infer your opponents configuration of nanites from the battle logs, change your settings and try again to remove the enemy from the source?
05-03-2016, 02:18 AM
hmmmm ok, so i can
- hover the mouse to redirect the bubbles to your cluster
- hold mouse inside radar screen to move cluster
- click blue circle outside radar to fast travel to where everyone is
ive eaten some bubbles to accumulate some cells, but couldnt attack anyone or the occupied BlueSource
so i went to the nanites page, clicked my 1 nanite > edit
(whats POT PWR?)
PRW (power) describes the strength with which an instruction is executed. For most instructions to take effect, they need to have PWR greater than enemy RES.
POT (potence) is the magnitude of the executed instruction, e.g. the damage it deals or the instruction register slots it affects.
RES (resistance) is the overall ability of the nanite and cell cluster to withstand incomming attacks.
i dont think i bought anything, but i clicked "save" anyways, and finally the popup read "your nanite is ready for battle"
finally i attack and ... holy shit 200 lines of battlelog generated!
is this gonna be a game for obsessive compulsive tacticians?
so a persistent massive tactical game, like Planetarion, DawnOfMyth and others, but instead of a myriad of resources, soldiers, research trees, and exploration, the challenge will be to infer your opponents configuration of nanites from the battle logs, change your settings and try again to remove the enemy from the source?
Exactly that! Nicely deducted, thanks for checking this out :heart:
In the beginning, this might seem a little too straight forward "anti-setup-building" as you only have one nanite and a limited set of instructions.
But as stated in the "missing features", you will sooner or later be able to win additional nanites and instructions from fought battles - so as soon as you have more than one nanite on your side in battle, a "one-kills-all" setup is highly unlikely to encounter. You have two winning conditions to focus on: Either kill all enemy cells or enemy nanites, which makes this more versatile.
As a matter of fact there are already 40 Instructions (10 categories, 4 levels) coded and tested which will be available as battle prizes too... Sneak preview from the instructions image:
Hope you like what you have seen so far!
I named my nanite KAP. :tribunal:
Edit: Also guys. Give it a try. Bog has worked hard with it and has put a lot of time into it.
05-04-2016, 05:12 PM
As several people have expressed that nano shows a steep learning curve, let me try to give you all a little insight into the core mechanics that is the nanite instruction register.
During each battle step, your nanite will execute an instruction, starting with position 0 of the instruction register. The instruction register has 12 positions, and the execution will loop back around to 0 a few times until any winning conditions are met (conditions are nanite hit points or cell count reduced to zero), otherwise the battle ends in a draw. Your main objective is to define an instruction register setup that succeeds in reaching a winning condition while preventing the opponent in doing so.
Every instruction has three attributes that define its performance when executed:
PRW (power) describes the strength with which an instruction is executed. For most instructions to take effect, they need to have PWR greater than enemy RES.
POT (potence) is the magnitude of the executed instruction, e.g. the damage it deals or the instruction register slots it affects.
RES (resistance) is the overall ability of the nanite and cell cluster to withstand incomming attacks.
When you click on an instruction within the register, a section called instruction editor will appear. Here you can spend PTS (points) on the instruction attributes, whereas the costs vary for every instruction (see the tooltip on the plus and minus buttons). Details about the instruction nature (category) and effect are listed on the right side.
At the bottom, the instruction palette shows all your available instructions, each with a counter on top. Click on an instruction from the palette and then on the instruction register position you want it inserted - this will replace any previously present instruction at that position.
When you are satisfied with your setup, click save at the very bottom. Note that a "valid" instruction register only states that every instruction register position holds an instruction, but not that the PTS (points) are well spent.
Some additional notes:
If you edit and save the instruction register of a nanite that was in use (i.e. you have created an unanswered challenge for another player, or the nanite is currently occupying a nutrition source), these challenges will be deleted! If a user were allowed to change the nanite setup after occupying a nutrition source, one could go all offensive at first, and then turtle up when the mission was successful - thats not the meaning of the game.
I am currently working on how a user gets meaningful information about where their nanites are in use (open challenges, occupied nutrtion sources), and also if there are any incoming challenges from other players. Its all work in progress on a prioritized list...
I named my nanite KAP. :tribunal:
Edit: Also guys. Give it a try. Bog has worked hard with it and has put a lot of time into it.
Thanks a bunch Mask! Lets see if KAP lets you gain some headway in the rankings ;)
05-04-2016, 08:45 PM
I named my nanite KAP. :tribunal:
Edit: Also guys. Give it a try. Bog has worked hard with it and has put a lot of time into it.
You son of a b...
Oh wait. Maybe I should be flattered ;) Going to give it another go tonight
You son of a b...
Oh wait. Maybe I should be flattered ;) Going to give it another go tonight
Would you be flattered if I named my dog after you? :p
As several people have expressed that nano shows a steep learning curve, let me try to give you all a little insight into the core mechanics that is the nanite instruction register.
During each battle step, your nanite will execute an instruction, starting with position 0 of the instruction register. The instruction register has 12 positions, and the execution will loop back around to 0 a few times until any winning conditions are met (conditions are nanite hit points or cell count reduced to zero), otherwise the battle ends in a draw. Your main objective is to define an instruction register setup that succeeds in reaching a winning condition while preventing the opponent in doing so.
Every instruction has three attributes that define its performance when executed:
PRW (power) describes the strength with which an instruction is executed. For most instructions to take effect, they need to have PWR greater than enemy RES.
POT (potence) is the magnitude of the executed instruction, e.g. the damage it deals or the instruction register slots it affects.
RES (resistance) is the overall ability of the nanite and cell cluster to withstand incomming attacks.
When you click on an instruction within the register, a section called instruction editor will appear. Here you can spend PTS (points) on the instruction attributes, whereas the costs vary for every instruction (see the tooltip on the plus and minus buttons). Details about the instruction nature (category) and effect are listed on the right side.
At the bottom, the instruction palette shows all your available instructions, each with a counter on top. Click on an instruction from the palette and then on the instruction register position you want it inserted - this will replace any previously present instruction at that position.
When you are satisfied with your setup, click save at the very bottom. Note that a "valid" instruction register only states that every instruction register position holds an instruction, but not that the PTS (points) are well spent.
Some additional notes:
If you edit and save the instruction register of a nanite that was in use (i.e. you have created an unanswered challenge for another player, or the nanite is currently occupying a nutrition source), these challenges will be deleted! If a user were allowed to change the nanite setup after occupying a nutrition source, one could go all offensive at first, and then turtle up when the mission was successful - thats not the meaning of the game.
I am currently working on how a user gets meaningful information about where their nanites are in use (open challenges, occupied nutrtion sources), and also if there are any incoming challenges from other players. Its all work in progress on a prioritized list...
Great job, Bog!
05-05-2016, 08:35 AM
Would you be flattered if I named my dog after you? :p
Great job, Bog!
Thanks a bunch Masky!
I have another update for you guys: A quick fix for PHONE USERS!
Navigation within the fluid can now also be done by single clicks additionaly to the existing "point and drag". By clicking in the fluid at a reasonable distance from the center, your cell cluster will begin moving towards that location. This should be more touchscreen-friendly, hope you like!
(Thanks Loopget for the inspiration)
This games makes me angry now. No matter how and what I try I can't get anything better than a draw.
To be honest, I still don't know what exactly I'm doing tho. :p
05-05-2016, 09:38 AM
This games makes me angry now. No matter how and what I try I can't get anything better than a draw.
To be honest, I still don't know what exactly I'm doing tho. :p
I'll try to provide a little insight via the latest battle report between you and Tester... Remember the attributes are (PWR, POT, RES)
step: 1
Attacker Executing Entangle with (4, 1, 2) --> deals no damage because defender has RES = 4. Attacking instructions (offensive, suppressive, destructive...) need PWR > RES to take effect. Its also stated in their instruction details.
Defender Executing Boost with (2, 2, 4)
step: 4
Attacker Executing Puncture with (6, 0, 0) --> deals no damage because POT = zero. Read description 'Deals POT damage to enemy cell cluster.'
step: 6
Attacker Executing Puncture with (6, 0, 0) --> see above
Also firing consecutive blue lasers doesn't do much, because the effects don't add up. If the first blue laser went through, the enemy won't be able to target your nanite for the next POT instructions. This is the time where you can do something else, and first fire the next blue laser if you like after POT-1 instructions of the previous one...
I made same kind of changes and then started to lose. :p
05-05-2016, 10:09 AM
I made same kind of changes and then started to lose. :p
Well you did manage to get the nanite hp down to 5... thats 2/3 the way to victory, sir.
05-05-2016, 11:38 AM
Blue Source! :smurf: :captain:
I'm obviously too dumb for this game. :)
05-05-2016, 04:44 PM
I'm obviously too dumb for this game. :)
Glad I am not the only one ;P
Although I am not giving up yet hah.
PS: Yes I would be flattered if you named your dog after me :P
05-06-2016, 08:47 AM
05-06-2016, 09:07 AM
it lives! :)
05-06-2016, 11:53 AM
Blue Source! :smurf: :captain:
Congratulations, mel! You finally made it :coffee: ... I really need to improve on a few things to make the game easier to grasp... :(
Anyways since you already had earned some bonus gifts from helping me finding bugs in the past, I'll let the rankings-challenge run until someone else manages to get ranked:
There will be a special prize waiting for the first (second actually) person to get ranked here: nano rankings ( with a score greater than zero >_>
Moderator, Tester, Bogster and Bogart are my accounts, they are purely used for testing. (mel already earned his merits)
Be the first and you will receive:
- double the stuff a normal user starts with
- a few bonus instructions that nobody else has access to yet
- free color pick for your cell cluster
Good luck!
Can't I just attack KAP instead with my KAP?
05-06-2016, 04:58 PM
Can't I just attack KAP instead with my KAP?
Well yes you can challenge a player directly. But as I am not done with the "overview of existing challenges", KAP will not know that you challenged him until he tries to challenge you and gets the info "Mask has challenged you to a battle" or something along those lines...
I'll let you in on a little secret: If you challenge me (Bogart account), the game will ALWAYS treat it like I challenged you in the first place - try to compare a challenge vs. KAP and a challenge vs. me... Oh and if you want to delete a challenge (because your nanite will be registered as in use), you just need to re-save the nanite setup (even without chaning anything) and it will clear any active challenges.
05-06-2016, 07:45 PM
Am I doing it right?
05-06-2016, 07:50 PM
Am I doing it right?
Yep, been looking at what you have been doing while working on the chat. Congratz, you won the challenge! See my PM for details. ;)
05-06-2016, 10:37 PM
Thanks polak. You come in and win it right away :dry:
Jk. Nice to see You around!
05-10-2016, 08:59 AM
Chat function is DONE! Public chat is available for now, private messaging and some other chat features will follow soon.
Also first post got an update and some additional/better screenshots and descriptions.
Thanks mel for helping finding those bugs!
Edit: Clicking on a name in the chat allows you to jump to their location.
05-10-2016, 10:01 PM
Blue Source! :smurf: :captain:
:badger: :badger: :badger: :badger:
05-11-2016, 02:23 AM
:badger: :badger: :badger: :badger:
Not for long.
Chat function is DONE! Public chat is available for now, private messaging and some other chat features will follow soon.
Also first post got an update and some additional/better screenshots and descriptions.
Thanks mel for helping finding those bugs!
Edit: Clicking on a name in the chat allows you to jump to their location.
Good job, Bog! Now it can attract cyberers too!
05-11-2016, 09:13 AM
Not for long.
Nicely done!
05-11-2016, 09:49 AM
Good job, Bog! Now it can attract cyberers too!
Are you using your phone? Apparently something prevents the chat from working on mobile for at least Polak and me... Don't know how to find out what goes wrong though... :(
Yep. Isn't working for me either on phone.
05-11-2016, 04:59 PM
Yep. Isn't working for me either on phone.
Should be fixed now, Mask! Firefox and Chrome simply ignored a minor bug in the chat code, but somehow IE and most phones were stubborn... Took me a while to figure out.
05-11-2016, 05:32 PM
i tried playing today without reading the instructions on the first post
i got frustrated and stopped playing after attacking Polak two times
05-11-2016, 06:13 PM
i tried playing today without reading the instructions on the first post
i got frustrated and stopped playing after attacking Polak two times
The game is by all means not straight-forward and many features are still missing or incomplete making it even harder to understand... I've made quite a few compromises down the road of making it playable, but I will for sure go back when time comes and smoothen out all these flawed design potholes. For now I am concentrating on getting the core gameplay features up.
... So I hope you do stick around, there is lots of stuff in the pipeline. :coffee:
05-12-2016, 08:43 PM
One thing I noticed, is I got an error: invalid data message when I went to attack the green source that meletus had occupied.
I'd suggest making the error messages more descriptive so I know what I did wrong. +P
05-13-2016, 01:48 AM
One thing I noticed, is I got an error: invalid data message when I went to attack the green source that meletus had occupied.
I'd suggest making the error messages more descriptive so I know what I did wrong. +P
Such errror messages are non-descriptive on the users side, as they occur when something goes unexpectedly wrong on the server side. And unexpected means that I've screwed up and made a boo boo in the source that I gotta fix.
No worries, every such error message leaves a nice trail of information in an error log I can go and consult. So if something like that happens, please just inform me and I'll have a look at the case.
EDIT: Bug should be fixed.
05-13-2016, 05:21 AM
Seeing as the chat feature will only be available to activated users, I've gone and activated a whole bunch of new accounts that probably were made by users of this forum. There is a possibilty that the activation email never made it, and I actually have no interest in bothering you with providing a valid email address. It will be useful for password resetting though...
Anyways, if you hold one of the accounts listed here in white text: You should be able to participate in the chat from now on and as you can see, you are listed in the rankings too.
05-13-2016, 11:03 AM
Such errror messages are non-descriptive on the users side, as they occur when something goes unexpectedly wrong on the server side. And unexpected means that I've screwed up and made a boo boo in the source that I gotta fix.
No worries, every such error message leaves a nice trail of information in an error log I can go and consult. So if something like that happens, please just inform me and I'll have a look at the case.
EDIT: Bug should be fixed.
Makes sense. Wasn't sure if I did something wrong. Thanks!
05-13-2016, 02:54 PM
Well I'm not in last so that's good.
Once we move and get settled I'll look more into it and kicking some ads ;)
05-13-2016, 03:05 PM
Well I'm not in last so that's good.
Once we move and get settled I'll look more into it and kicking some ads ;)
Am looking forward to that... And if you mean "not in last" in regards to points, then I gotta say you share the last spot with plenty of people who haven't managed to earn any points yet :coffee:
05-13-2016, 10:29 PM
Don't you burst my bubble.
I meant last as in not listed last :P
<--- Shares last position and is proud of it!
05-14-2016, 08:46 PM
Got a little update for you guys: The prize winning feature is starting to take form.
You will now be able to win prizes in direct user challenges. These prizes are the instructions Boost, Restore, Red Laser, Blue Laser and Puncture (prizes for source-occupying challenges will follow shortly).
Direct user challenges might be difficult to follow through with, but I hope you will find someone online so you can coordinate via chat...
You will see an extra text be written along the lines of "Bogster has earned the supportive instruction Boost." when you take a look at the battle log, like >this one (<. There will be a better feedback soon!
Chance calculation for winning a prize:
- only give out prizes for users gaining points
(use the points gained as weighing factor, e.g. cap 100% chance at 15 points, and 0% chance at zero points)
- use a cool-off time to effectively halt any spam farming
(use time since last won prize as weighing factor, e.g. cap 100% at 2 hours, and 0% at 0 seconds after last won prize)
- chance of winning should be reduced for consequtive battles and prevent "farming" or at least make it as hard as possible to tamper with
(use consequtive battles against the same user as weighing factor, e.g. collect the latest up to 100 battles and subtract the number of times the current user was battled against -> e.g. 100 - 36 = 64%)
--> If user A gains 15 or more points in their first battle against user B will have a 100% chance to win a prize if they didn't win a prize in last 2 hours.
05-15-2016, 07:48 AM
I definitely need another nanite!
05-15-2016, 06:10 PM
Sources have gotten an update. You will now have a 5% chance that a won prize in a nutrition-source-battle is a nanite! Good luck hunting!
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