12-01-2016, 12:04 PM
Hey All,
I saw recently that TAO was shutdown, so I decided to develop a similar type of game for myself and for others. I have a basic version of my game up and running (minus graphical/interface polish), and wanted to do a casual (version 0.9) release to those who are interested. I'm hoping to have the game hosted for people to play by December 9th (assuming nothing goes horribly wrong).
My plan is to start a feedback loop with anyone who plays to find out what features to add next and what bugs to fix. So I was planning to eventually make a polling/bug reporting system inside the game. My dream is to have regular balance patches and new character releases to keep the game interesting and to grow the community of players.
Anyways, enough hopes and dreams. Here are the current features I have:
In-browser, multiplayer turn-based tactics game
Personal account logins
Basic matchmaking (no ranking/Elo system yet)
Basic locked set of characters: Knight, Archer, Assassin, Druid, Enchantress, Wizard, Witch, and a Barrier Totem
I'm hoping to add these features as soon as I can:
In-game polling/bug reporting system
Customizable Sets for you to start matches with
Matchmaking Elo system
Improved graphics
I'd love to hear your thoughts, interest, or any other comments you might have! Below is a short gameplay GIF of how it currently looks with very first draft graphics.
I saw recently that TAO was shutdown, so I decided to develop a similar type of game for myself and for others. I have a basic version of my game up and running (minus graphical/interface polish), and wanted to do a casual (version 0.9) release to those who are interested. I'm hoping to have the game hosted for people to play by December 9th (assuming nothing goes horribly wrong).
My plan is to start a feedback loop with anyone who plays to find out what features to add next and what bugs to fix. So I was planning to eventually make a polling/bug reporting system inside the game. My dream is to have regular balance patches and new character releases to keep the game interesting and to grow the community of players.
Anyways, enough hopes and dreams. Here are the current features I have:
In-browser, multiplayer turn-based tactics game
Personal account logins
Basic matchmaking (no ranking/Elo system yet)
Basic locked set of characters: Knight, Archer, Assassin, Druid, Enchantress, Wizard, Witch, and a Barrier Totem
I'm hoping to add these features as soon as I can:
In-game polling/bug reporting system
Customizable Sets for you to start matches with
Matchmaking Elo system
Improved graphics
I'd love to hear your thoughts, interest, or any other comments you might have! Below is a short gameplay GIF of how it currently looks with very first draft graphics.