04-30-2016, 01:43 PM
Great, I'm kind enough to let myself live through my old stupidity and humor you boobs. This was funny though I have to admit:blush:
This was said in complete seriousness, he went on to say (after i said Gandhi is the most famous Indian man ever) that "of course i don't know...I've never been to India!"
lawl :)
LMAO!!! so funny!
How the hell do you not know who Gandhi is...
Elim is the type of person behind the reasoning for other nations hating America.
Honestly, it's not funny. Really, there should be only thm two laughing at it.
I didn't know what it was until now, and yet i've never seen that word before:p
Dude..elim...I have to say that's pretty bad..
Almost as bad as the girl in my history class who couldn't find Australia on the map, and then she said Africa was so hot because of "The Amazon Desert."
I really don't understand how someone can not know who Gandhi is.
Don't you learn, or at least talk about/hear about him in like 5th grade?
I'm a French-Canadian.
AHAHAHA, you're joking right? Gandhi is from India, and everyone in every country should know who he was...Being French-Canadian means nothing in this discussion.
Well guess what, im history classes we don't learn anything but what happens in Canada. SO i am clueless about other countries except France.
Your teachers are retarded then.
Still should have heard of gandhi though.
Unless you're, uh, nine or something, you should've at least heard of him.
I don't know him because I have never been to india, and plus I have never heard that name before so tachnically he isn't even famous, otherwise I would know him.
Unless I do know him, but didn't know his name.
For I do not watch the news, its boring to my taste, and I don't pay much attention to alot of celebrities/famous peoples names.
And lex, shut up no one wants to hear your retarded comments.
There was a girl in my high school French class that argued for 5 minutes with this girl from Vietnam that Vietnam was next to Canada.
Are you kidding?
Nope, never heard of him, have anyone here heard of michael showdown?
So get off my back and go die please, to anyone who thinks I'm dumb.
He's dead and extremely famous, even outside of India.
That's more of ignorance than idiocy. Actually It's probably a combination
It's not like ghandi is a basketball player on a team you don't like...
You might as well say you've never heard of Jesus..
I'm just sad the public school system failed him so badly
Yeah, but what's elim's excuse? :rolleyes:
Someone say ignorance?
I can't be ignorant just because I never heard of someone before.
And thank you jehutyv, atleast your reasonable.....
Did Michael Showdown liberate an extremely large country from centuries of extremely oppressive rule in the last century through absolute pacificsm? No? Shut up. Don't blame others for your ignorance, except maybe your school system.
That is ignorance, you are completely ignorant on who he is. Different from stupidity.
No. Ignorance is not knowing. Idiocy is comparing him to Michael Showdown, whoever the hell that is.
Actually, that's the definition of ignorance elim..
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of ghandi
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
.....ghandi's dead?
He doesn't know who he is. He didn't even know it was person. I think that qualifies as not knowing.
Huh? HAHA WOW....
You must be retarded if you don't know what ignorance means.....
So no I won't shut up, lol if I don't know someone it doens't mean I'm ignorant or retarded get your facts straight please.
I don't need to blame the schools I go to, just because they don't teach us of everyone in the world.
I blamed no one I'm afraid, I just don't know or never heard of the person, and saying I'm retarded or ignorant just because of that is just like your saying I'm retarded and ignorant because I ain't a lawyer or somthing or don't know everyone.
Please leave your dumb insults out of here. :)
Not suprised with this one actually.
no way he's dead.
Everyone is ignorant about different information. No one can know everything. It's not really that much of an insult saying you were ignorant about him, it's the fact that you ARE ignorant about him that is bad.
Schools these days.... :dry:
But yeah, Ghandi is, like, really famous. Like, really really.
On the Top 10 list of important people.
*EDIT* Ugh red boxes, give me a minute, imageshack is being a...
*EDIT2* Yay got it fixed. Anyway, I also found this: http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0001.html
God you're fucking stupid.
bdog: He's been dead for a while.
Elim: You are just being an idiot. Ghandi arguably did more to India than MLK did to USA. Comparing him to Showrun is just being stupid. You are ignorant, and acting like a dumbass defending yourself like you are right when you know you are wrong. Google Ghandi please, and see how stupid you look comparing him to Showrun..
Among the first 10 people they teach you about, Gandhi should be about #3.
In any case, even without a history teacher telling you, you absolutely should know who Gandhi is.
It's both Ignorance and Idiocy.
No you guys are putting it as I am ignorant just because I have never heard of a single person.
Which is pretty much the same as saying I am ignorant for not knowing many things, like who invented the mattress or fast food....
So technically you shouldn't say I am ignorant for not knowing something, he is a person I don't care, I guess he was really famous and did somthing really good, cool I respect that.
But that doesn't mean I have to know him or ever heard of him, maybe I will in class someday, I just never have yet.
I'm only in 10th grade.
People learn things at diffferent times, your saying like I'm ignorant if I never heard of marten luther king when I was freaken 6 years old.
Yes, that is the definition of ignorance elim.
Like I said he did more than MLK, arguably.
I'm in 9th and I have knwon who he is since 4th grade.
Ignorance is not knowing...so you are ignorant. You might have your words mixed up.
b.) I'm in 10th grade and have known who Gandhi is/was since i was about 7.
I didn't say you were completely ignorant, just on this person. You took it out of context and took it differently.
Sorry about hijacking your thread, but we need to teach elim >.<
In any case, I'd say Gandhi was the MLK of America x 2, rather than GW or Abe.
DO YOU LIVE WHERE I DO? seriously shut up.
and learz thank you, but I just haven't learned about him yet, schools teach different things and also teach things at different times.
So maybe I will learn about him this year I don't know, I just know I'v never heard of him.
Hey dumbass, i live in oklahoma, so we live in the same region, and guess what I learned about Ghandi in elementary school. IF you don't know who he is and you're in highschool, your school system is fucked up, and i suggest you ask your history teach who Ghandi, (pronounced Gone-dee) is, and watch as half your class laughs at you.
This was said in complete seriousness, he went on to say (after i said Gandhi is the most famous Indian man ever) that "of course i don't know...I've never been to India!"
lawl :)
LMAO!!! so funny!
How the hell do you not know who Gandhi is...
Elim is the type of person behind the reasoning for other nations hating America.
Honestly, it's not funny. Really, there should be only thm two laughing at it.
I didn't know what it was until now, and yet i've never seen that word before:p
Dude..elim...I have to say that's pretty bad..
Almost as bad as the girl in my history class who couldn't find Australia on the map, and then she said Africa was so hot because of "The Amazon Desert."
I really don't understand how someone can not know who Gandhi is.
Don't you learn, or at least talk about/hear about him in like 5th grade?
I'm a French-Canadian.
AHAHAHA, you're joking right? Gandhi is from India, and everyone in every country should know who he was...Being French-Canadian means nothing in this discussion.
Well guess what, im history classes we don't learn anything but what happens in Canada. SO i am clueless about other countries except France.
Your teachers are retarded then.
Still should have heard of gandhi though.
Unless you're, uh, nine or something, you should've at least heard of him.
I don't know him because I have never been to india, and plus I have never heard that name before so tachnically he isn't even famous, otherwise I would know him.
Unless I do know him, but didn't know his name.
For I do not watch the news, its boring to my taste, and I don't pay much attention to alot of celebrities/famous peoples names.
And lex, shut up no one wants to hear your retarded comments.
There was a girl in my high school French class that argued for 5 minutes with this girl from Vietnam that Vietnam was next to Canada.
Are you kidding?
Nope, never heard of him, have anyone here heard of michael showdown?
So get off my back and go die please, to anyone who thinks I'm dumb.
He's dead and extremely famous, even outside of India.
That's more of ignorance than idiocy. Actually It's probably a combination
It's not like ghandi is a basketball player on a team you don't like...
You might as well say you've never heard of Jesus..
I'm just sad the public school system failed him so badly
Yeah, but what's elim's excuse? :rolleyes:
Someone say ignorance?
I can't be ignorant just because I never heard of someone before.
And thank you jehutyv, atleast your reasonable.....
Did Michael Showdown liberate an extremely large country from centuries of extremely oppressive rule in the last century through absolute pacificsm? No? Shut up. Don't blame others for your ignorance, except maybe your school system.
That is ignorance, you are completely ignorant on who he is. Different from stupidity.
No. Ignorance is not knowing. Idiocy is comparing him to Michael Showdown, whoever the hell that is.
Actually, that's the definition of ignorance elim..
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of ghandi
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
.....ghandi's dead?
He doesn't know who he is. He didn't even know it was person. I think that qualifies as not knowing.
Huh? HAHA WOW....
You must be retarded if you don't know what ignorance means.....
So no I won't shut up, lol if I don't know someone it doens't mean I'm ignorant or retarded get your facts straight please.
I don't need to blame the schools I go to, just because they don't teach us of everyone in the world.
I blamed no one I'm afraid, I just don't know or never heard of the person, and saying I'm retarded or ignorant just because of that is just like your saying I'm retarded and ignorant because I ain't a lawyer or somthing or don't know everyone.
Please leave your dumb insults out of here. :)
Not suprised with this one actually.
no way he's dead.
Everyone is ignorant about different information. No one can know everything. It's not really that much of an insult saying you were ignorant about him, it's the fact that you ARE ignorant about him that is bad.
Schools these days.... :dry:
But yeah, Ghandi is, like, really famous. Like, really really.
On the Top 10 list of important people.
*EDIT* Ugh red boxes, give me a minute, imageshack is being a...
*EDIT2* Yay got it fixed. Anyway, I also found this: http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0001.html
God you're fucking stupid.
bdog: He's been dead for a while.
Elim: You are just being an idiot. Ghandi arguably did more to India than MLK did to USA. Comparing him to Showrun is just being stupid. You are ignorant, and acting like a dumbass defending yourself like you are right when you know you are wrong. Google Ghandi please, and see how stupid you look comparing him to Showrun..
Among the first 10 people they teach you about, Gandhi should be about #3.
In any case, even without a history teacher telling you, you absolutely should know who Gandhi is.
It's both Ignorance and Idiocy.
No you guys are putting it as I am ignorant just because I have never heard of a single person.
Which is pretty much the same as saying I am ignorant for not knowing many things, like who invented the mattress or fast food....
So technically you shouldn't say I am ignorant for not knowing something, he is a person I don't care, I guess he was really famous and did somthing really good, cool I respect that.
But that doesn't mean I have to know him or ever heard of him, maybe I will in class someday, I just never have yet.
I'm only in 10th grade.
People learn things at diffferent times, your saying like I'm ignorant if I never heard of marten luther king when I was freaken 6 years old.
Yes, that is the definition of ignorance elim.
Like I said he did more than MLK, arguably.
I'm in 9th and I have knwon who he is since 4th grade.
Ignorance is not knowing...so you are ignorant. You might have your words mixed up.
b.) I'm in 10th grade and have known who Gandhi is/was since i was about 7.
I didn't say you were completely ignorant, just on this person. You took it out of context and took it differently.
Sorry about hijacking your thread, but we need to teach elim >.<
In any case, I'd say Gandhi was the MLK of America x 2, rather than GW or Abe.
DO YOU LIVE WHERE I DO? seriously shut up.
and learz thank you, but I just haven't learned about him yet, schools teach different things and also teach things at different times.
So maybe I will learn about him this year I don't know, I just know I'v never heard of him.
Hey dumbass, i live in oklahoma, so we live in the same region, and guess what I learned about Ghandi in elementary school. IF you don't know who he is and you're in highschool, your school system is fucked up, and i suggest you ask your history teach who Ghandi, (pronounced Gone-dee) is, and watch as half your class laughs at you.