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Thread: Hulky's first attempt at a game

  1. #1

    Default Hulky's first attempt at a game

    Alright so the main character is currently a square and I got the game logic down for forward, back, left and right set to the up, down, left and right buttons.

    Then I added gravity and the TAO Board.

    Eventually I'll make the tiles go up or something to make obstacles. Maybe throw in the chicken or whatever to run into to collect/kill. Certain number of chickens goes to the next level? Something basic like that.

    Anyways this is my project for today to learn a bit more about making games (started about 2 hours ago 11:30amish, currently 1:39pm) and here is where I'm at.

  2. #2


    lol, square falls off. "AHHHHHHH!"

  3. #3


    That looks interesting, especially that the tiles seem to have different height.

    a game that I am creating in my spare time. find the how-to-play >here<

  4. #4


    added the chickens and jumping and making them die on contact

  5. #5

  6. #6


    apparently I was a dumbass and made the board upside down which is why coloring didn't work. It's now flipped.

    I added a rough score and figured out how to make it better. Also I figured out objectives and new scenes (including like menu to start or whatever). So I'm going to call it done for now and try and export it as some kind of file Matt can potentially use.

    hope it works

  7. #7


    Ok that's great. You have jump commands put in. Looks like fun

  8. #8


    Why chickens, man. Chickens are decent people.

  9. #9


    Hulky: Building TAO one square at a time.

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