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Thread: Standalone game versus an in-browser game

  1. #1

    Default Standalone game versus an in-browser game

    What's everyone's thoughts on a game you have to download onto your computer versus an in-browser game?

    On one hand, an in-browser game is more accessible to people. However, a fully fleshed out game you download (think Hearthstone/LoL/Dota 2) gives developers more computer resources to use and more flexibility.

    I'm currently at a pre-alpha stage for a stand-alone game that you'd have to download onto your computer.

    Here's a short video of what I got so far: (Started coding 4 days ago)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mar's Avatar
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    In an Infinite Loop, California


    I think people were thinking more along the lines of an app/mobile game in HTML 5. It's portable and easier to play on the go, as most people will. What do you think?

    just some rage and three kinds of yes
    vi veri veniversum vivus vici
    quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kash View Post
    I think people were thinking more along the lines of an app/mobile game in HTML 5. It's portable and easier to play on the go, as most people will. What do you think?
    So I did a bit more research last night before Game of Thrones. Unity does let you port the game client to HTML5/WebGL, however Javascript is inherently single-threaded and dynamic code generation does not exist.

    One of the limitations would then be Client/Server communication. That means we'll have to use web-sockets or some other kind of connectivity to actually get the game online. Think about how Units were distributed via randomly being propped up by the server in 1 batch as in "If you are currently in a match and win, you will receive 1 mud golem." We may be forced to go down that same path if we use an in-browser game versus say individual games having a chance to proc a unit.

    Right now, I have a development server in NYC running 24/7 and I use a clustered multi-thread pool to maintain connections. I'm going to keep on building out the game server and also work some on the client this next week. Hopefully, in 2 to 3 weeks we'll have a playable alpha for some of you all to try out

    Ideally, it would be awesome to have both versions... a lite-version built into a browser as well as a more full-featured game that is downloadable

  4. #4


    There are good deal of unity games that have been turned into iOs, Android and HTML5 apps. I don't see anything wrong we having something like this in place. Its bascially what we have been talking about. A game with more functionally online/pc and still accessible via phone apps and facebook. Unity allows for all that.

  5. #5


    Yup! Agreed!

    It would be awesome to get a Mobile App, PC-version, and Html5 version of the same game going

  6. #6


    Gabe and I talked for a bit. It looks as though we can work together and increase the number of platforms the game runs on. It's a little sad that some of my server code won't be used, but all in all, bringing a game like this to steam/PC-Version would be a pretty big deal.

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