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Thread: Balance and Debugging - Alpha Release

  1. #41


    The Illusionist is the defensive unit. It makes shrubs way more efficiently than the Furgon especially with it being the only teleporting unit. The unintended part of the Illusionist (outside of teleporting off the map) is that it can double hit the same tile. My concept was basically an assassin/furgon hybrid. Ended up testing the teleport ability on that unit instead of the dragon and never switched it back (which I actually think is good after the fact so less "hop your line, snipe your healer".

    I have a lot more units than in the alpha for elementals (which would basically be golems from TAO). They are constructed differently with the starts of the colliders for LOS and all that so they wouldn't make sense in the alpha that hadn't addressed those things yet.

  2. #42


    Where do you find this game

  3. #43
    Senior Member Mar's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    In an Infinite Loop, California

    just some rage and three kinds of yes
    vi veri veniversum vivus vici
    quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock

  4. #44


    What's the point of the halberdier? Does he have an ability? Seems like he's just a weak knight... Does he stun or something?

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by |AFO| View Post
    What's the point of the halberdier? Does he have an ability? Seems like he's just a weak knight... Does he stun or something?
    Pretty sure it stuns on hit

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