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Thread: What exactly will it take to re-create TAO?

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  1. #1
    Cyber Police Chief CPC's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Default What exactly will it take to re-create TAO?

    Is it all just coding that I would need to learn (not making that sound easy, just clarifying)? Are there specific programming skills I need? The last 6 months I've spent a lot of time doing web design and fiddled around with code academy...but it would take a looooong time for me to get on the level needed to re-create this game...I think? I also noticed Hulky posted a thread with a ton of script from TAO...if that is what makes it all happen then I guess my question then would be what's holding everyone up from implementing it? Copyright infringement?

    PS. It's been a year since I checked in on this replacement forum and I thought BR was remaking the game seems maybe not so? I played his demos and those are legit but I don't see any talk about further progress? I mean literally its like half the game already accomplished in these demos...what's the hold up from finishing it off?

    So many questions, please lemme know!
    Last edited by CPC; 09-03-2017 at 12:37 AM.

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