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Thread: TAO Discord?

  1. #1
    Say What?

    Default TAO Discord?

    Just set up a channel to see if there would be interest.


  2. #2
    Say What?


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzy` View Post
    I think there already is one, but it's not active.

    Sorry for replying to all of your posts. I swear I'm not weird. I mean, I am extremely weird. I'm just not stalking you. So I'm not weird in the stalking sense.
    Instead of #TeamCody I think you need to change it to #TeamSW.

    I'll leave that server link active for a bit and see if anyone uses it.


  3. #3


    I had a slack channel that people hung out in for a bit. It has a half finished IRC mafia bot on it too.

  4. #4


    Technically it is a finished mafia bot. Just it is only set up with vanilla roles.

    I may have destroyed it while setting up the infrastructure for more roles.

  5. #5

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