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Thread: Let's do a Grand Slam 1 freestyle

  1. #1

    Default Let's do a Grand Slam 1 freestyle

    Or Grand slam 2 Turtle

    Since everyone is at home due to Corona virus quarantine this is the best time to start a tournament prefer Gs1 and PSST at the same time

    Taking in sign ups for the first tournament Grand Slam 1 Legends freestyle. Sign up here with your in game name and facebook name. (Our discord please join)
    3000 stat
    Matt Roe
    Poison Shadow
    Habeas Corpus
    CK Returns
    The One

    Winner's Brackets
    Last edited by Veilmenacex; 04-06-2020 at 08:54 PM.

  2. #2


    good idea don't think BR has added double gold though.

    Meaning it's going to be legend style

  3. #3


    I could probably get Monkus to jump in but he'd kick all our asses, haha.

  4. #4


    Posted on the FB group.

  5. #5


    That'd be pretty cool!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    In an Infinite Loop, California


    I would be interested in playing.

    just some rage and three kinds of yes
    vi veri veniversum vivus vici
    quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock

  7. #7


    What kind of tournament would you all be interested in?

    Standard grey, turtle, legends grey, legends turtle. Should drops be allowed?

    One thing that comes to mind that I always wanted to do with the old TAO was a best of 3 tournament. First game style is veto based, second game is chosen by the loser, if there is a third game it is chosen by the loser of the second game.

    Freestyle no drops, grey no drops, turtle no drops, legends grey, legends freestyle(drops).
    Matt vs Wizzy
    I veto legends grey and legends freestyle, Wizzy vetos turtle and freestyle.
    Game 1 is grey no drops. Wizzy wins.
    Game 2 I choose turtle. I win
    Game 3 wizzy chooses legends grey. Wizzy wins.

    This is probably way to involved for a small tournament to get people excited about the game again, but wanted to throw it out there.

    Seems like a standard no drop freestyle, grey, or turtle game would be best, but I am generally open to w/e

  8. #8
    Senior Member Mar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    In an Infinite Loop, California


    I would be open to that layout. We need to make sure everyone has a forum account so they can post here. We also need to make it time restricted because right now you have up until 1 week to make a move. So how long does each move last before you automatically win?

    Furthermore, we also can't do regular turtle since there is only 1 scout.

    just some rage and three kinds of yes
    vi veri veniversum vivus vici
    quit these pretentious things and just punch the clock

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Mar View Post
    I would be open to that layout. We need to make sure everyone has a forum account so they can post here. We also need to make it time restricted because right now you have up until 1 week to make a move. So how long does each move last before you automatically win?

    Furthermore, we also can't do regular turtle since there is only 1 scout.
    Good points.

    We could set up a way to let people impose a time limit through chat and screenshots, or we could just let the tournament stretched out a bit more with a rule to make moves once a day. I think it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect people are online together when they play, but if someone needs to get going they can set up another time to finish up the game, and give everyone a week total to finish the game.

    For regular turtle/freestyle I was thinking about it in terms of drops and no drops.

  10. #10


    Actually I really like setting a 1 week time limit with extension opportunities for people that show they are making the time. I think this could be a great way to utilize and test out how effective a tournament could be now that you can "pause" a game and come back to it.

    Extensions might be provided if people actually set up times when both people can get online to play, and both people show up to play, but for whatever reason time constraints didn't let them finish by the end of the week.
    In contrast if one person tried to set up times to play, and the other player were to just make a move randomly once a day or something, we could look at that and say "you didn't really make an attempt here".

    There are definitely some "problems" with this people in a tough spot spending 2 days tryharding so they can come up with the perfect move. But I think part of this tournament could be an opportunity to try out the different features provided by BRs game engine. It's also meant to be fun, so we can be a bit more relaxed about theorizing the perfect most fair tournament in the world.

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