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Thread: Let's do a Grand Slam 1 freestyle

  1. #51

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by manonfire101 View Post
    I'm in.

    Prof will play as well.
    Wassap ya jackass!

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by |AFO| View Post
    Wassap ya jackass!
    Not much man. Just working remotely, quarantining, and dealing with a gout flare-up. How ya been?

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by manonfire101 View Post
    Not much man. Just working remotely, quarantining, and dealing with a gout flare-up. How ya been?
    Ya know... trying to decide between wanting to pay bills and risking my life to help people with their 20 year history of back pain. Could be worse. Sorry about the gout.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by |AFO| View Post
    Ya know... trying to decide between wanting to pay bills and risking my life to help people with their 20 year history of back pain. Could be worse. Sorry about the gout.
    I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. It seems like a lot of people are having to make tough choices right now. I really hope things work out for you.

    And thanks. I know how to manage gout very well at this point, so it's fine. I don't drink much and I'm healthy and in pretty good shape so I blame my dad.

  6. #56


    Sign me up

    Are you assholes happy now?

  7. #57


    I'll be posting this on Discord, Facebook, and the TAO Forums.

    After much discussion and deliberation, in the spirit of this being a modern game, we are going to modernize the way the tournament is hosted.
    This tournament has been set up on
    I believe this will help streamline the process, and will be a great opportunity to try out a new platform for tournaments that might be able to be integrated directly into the game in the future.
    To register for the tournament please visit:
    It only takes a few minutes to register, and the rules for the tournament can be found on the site.

    If your TAO Forum name, Discord name, or Facebook name are different than your IGN on, reach out to me(or post in this thread) and let us know who you are and what your name is.

    Feel free to reach out on any of the platforms if you have any questions, and I will continue to elucidate the tournament structure on the page. It's been a long time since we have had a tournament, and we are trying some new things out, so please don't hesitate to reach out publicly or privately with any questions you have, or issues you run into signing up.

    Additionally, there is a link to the TAO discord on the forums. I would strongly encourage you to create a discord account and use the same name as the name you register under in This will help you find your opponents and schedule games. When brackets are released, reach out if you have any issues finding your opponent, and I will help you guys get connected.

    I am sure there will be a few bumps organizing things along the way, but I hope that this tournament will be a fun way to get us all excited about TAO again. And you guys will be helping BR a whole lot to beta test his game and make sure it is as awesome as it possibly can be.

    Finally, WTFMonstah has offered a $50 prize to the winner of the tournament. Huge thanks to WTFMonstah for being so generous, and hopefully this motivates everyone to get their games in!

  8. #58

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Hulky View Post
    who won and whatnot
    Not over yet.

    It's Bone and I in the finals on winners side.
    And BR, Legend Z, PS, Kash, and TO, duking it out in losers to make it to Grand Finals.
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       '-._     |'-'|                                      |'-'|     _.-'
           '----|_ _|--------------------------------------|_ _|----'

  10. #60
    TAO's School Yard Bully KickAssPlaya's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Disney World Again


    Lies.. KAP wins!!

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