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Thread: Freestyle Beta Tournament 1

  1. #1

    Default Freestyle Beta Tournament 1

    Alright boys and girls, you all know the drill. It's been almost 4 years since TAO shut down, and I say it's high time that we play some Tactics Arena Online as it was meant to be played. That means trash talking, complaining about luck, arguments about who cheated, and endless complaining about how GSL was a better format. And I guess a few games here and there too.

    I'll be posting this on Discord, Facebook, and the TAO Forums.

    After much discussion and deliberation, in the spirit of this being a modern game, we are going to modernize the way the tournament is hosted.
    This tournament has been set up on
    I believe this will help streamline the process, and will be a great opportunity to try out a new platform for tournaments that might be able to be integrated directly into the game in the future.
    To register for the tournament please visit:
    It only takes a few minutes to register, and the rules for the tournament can be found on the site.

    If your TAO Forum name, Discord name, or Facebook name are different than your IGN on, reach out to me(or post in this thread) and let us know who you are and what your name is.

    Feel free to reach out on any of the platforms if you have any questions, and I will continue to elucidate the tournament structure on the page. It's been a long time since we have had a tournament, and we are trying some new things out, so please don't hesitate to reach out publicly or privately with any questions you have, or issues you run into signing up.

    Additionally, there is a link to the TAO discord on the forums. I would strongly encourage you to create a discord account and use the same name as the name you register under in This will help you find your opponents and schedule games. When brackets are released, reach out if you have any issues finding your opponent, and I will help you guys get connected.

    I am sure there will be a few bumps organizing things along the way, but I hope that this tournament will be a fun way to get us all excited about TAO again. And you guys will be helping BR a whole lot to beta test his game and make sure it is as awesome as it possibly can be.

    Finally, WTFMonstah has offered a $50 prize to the winner of the tournament. Huge thanks to WTFMonstah for being so generous, and hopefully this motivates everyone to get their games in!
    Last edited by Aristocatt; 04-09-2020 at 01:21 PM.

  2. #2


    But dropless / legends gray are better styles than single gold though

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzy` View Post
    because we're discussing it over 3 different platforms.

    Also, literally every single gray game i've "played" were against DSM rushs lol.

  4. #4


    Based on the responses in fb seemed like freestyle was the most requested.
    In the process of setting stuff up on It was a little more involved then just “make tournament”

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Aristocatt View Post
    Alright boys and girls, you all know the drill. It's been almost 4 years since TAO shut down, and I say it's high time that we play some Tactics Arena Online as it was meant to be played. That means trash talking, complaining about luck, arguments about who cheated, and endless complaining about how GSL was a better format. And I guess a few games here and there too.

    I'm seeded too high
    Netjak is overrated
    Legends > FPS
    SI are a bunch of grey noobs
    Pikachu is the favorite to win because he is probably about five different players in this tournament
    Mith was the best tournament host
    I'm seeded too low
    FPS > Legends
    I got disconnected. Let's restart from the beginning. No I don't think we should restart from the point we were at in the game.
    lol you needed a cleric side block to win, noob

  6. #6


    This is the kinda content I need to see more of!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizzy` View Post
    Is this tournament TAL approved?
    That is the true question indeed. Let's make it TAL approved so when BR will release the game some will already have TAL points

  8. #8


    all i do is turtle so get ready to get fucking destroyed scrubs looooooooooooooole

    Banner by Madamos
    Co-leader of The Dawg Pound - humpin legs since 2004

  9. #9
    Formerly meat.eater evan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Portland, OR


    My body is ready.

    I was such an emo child. . .

  10. #10


    Come on people vote for dropless gray you know it's the best style – well second best, the first being legends gray ofc but I'm trying to find a common ground with FPS'ers.

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