here's a thought

so you guys will import all the messages into this board, nice, what if its all inserted under a toptier archive section, but threads still in its own subforums.


Tactics Arena Community
_ General Discussion
_ Sports
_ Forum games 

Ye Olden Things
_ Nostalgia
_ Ideas and Drawings for a new game

Old Community Archives
_ Announcements

_ Tactics Arena Community
_ |_ General Discussion
_ |_ Create-A-Unit
_ |_ Tactics Arena Discussion
_ |_ Newbie Board
_ |_ TAO Tournaments

_ Clan Warfare
_ |_ Clan Discussion

_ Gold Forums
_ |_ secret forum

_ Development
_ |_ Technical Support

its still marked under the original posters, still linkable, still searchable (but you can choose to filter it out), but locked

its permanently archived, safe from loss, but anyone can reference and quote those messages in a fresh new thread on the regular subforums