I've been having open-source/shared-source thoughts for stratagem(soon to be renamed). Partly because I'm starting to not have much time to work on it as I would like, but also because it leaves the game in the hands of everyone interested in developing it and (probably) speeds up the development time. Mostly this just transfers some of the ownership from me, to the community.

This would:
  1. Enable interested parties in contributing to the games development (Good - faster development, and better prioritization of what is important)
  2. Depending on the license used, possibly allow people to host their own servers/make their own game from it and release it how they want (Good or bad, depending on how it splits the community)
  3. Possibly opens the game up to easier exploits/hacks

What do you guys think? Would anyone want/not want this? Would anyone contribute?

I will take a general silence to mean "no" for all of the above questions. Which is fine, but I know some people have asked in the past about contributing so I wanted to bring this up. Mostly your answers will help me decide how much effort I put into deciding a software license, and cleaning up my code so it is easier to follow.

Thanks for reading!