Quote Originally Posted by Hulky View Post
Different pro made ones animated and ready to go. Also the core coding of a TBS I have rights to use. What I didn't know how to do was multiplayer networking and that stuff, which is what matt roe had down.

The units I had/have on the cloud were Dragon, Knight, Scout, Assassin, another Knight like creature, Cleric like creature, a wizard, and all the golems.

Also an open world like the video I posted months ago that no one really cared about.

Tao was a great game and stood the test of time, even as technology has RAPIDLY advanced and other "more appealing" games have showed up.

I echo Wizzy's words. If you want to make a game that you will be proud of, I think you should do it, and not worry so much about the initial reception. Good game + marketing = win.

If you're not feeling it, then that's your choice and no one will judge you.

(except me, as I'm waiting to find another game that I can trounce Philly at)