Quote Originally Posted by Wizzy View Post
Things Always Open

a game where you open doors that lead to nowhere

you kind of have to admit it sounds addicting
I have had a reoccurring dream for a long time now, where you start off in a big empty room. Inside the room are a bunch of doors with very broad topics above them. Science, Society, History, Entertainment, etc. As I pick rooms I have, the rooms themselves are like surreal representations of the name above the room. Each room has a series of puzzles/obstacles/enemies that I can complete/defeat to enter new rooms, which are like sub genres of the previous rooms(E.g. Science might have Chemistry, Physics, Technology). After you make it through about three or four tiers of rooms, the names of the rooms become more and more detailed, and there is a lot of overlap between the child rooms and the parent rooms(E.g. Social media might be reached from entering the society room, or the Science Room originally). So far I have never managed to finish w/e it is that I have been trying to do in this dream. It seems like there is supposed to be an end point, but after getting through a few doors, it becomes impossibly hard to distinguish between if I am entering another child room(moving further) or entering a parent room from a different topic(moving backward). Basically it feels like the doors are leading to no where. It is also absolutely my favorite dream ever.