-How your networking is implemented
I use Photon Unity Networking but other methods work just fine.

-How you do databases, authentication, and the like
I could use Steam as I have a License there and could just put the game there free to play. My AI programmer is also skilled in server implementations and the rest.

-How you deploy your unity build to servers
Steam again, but we have other alternatives.

-How your game loop functions (ie how do generalize troop abilities)
The classes are created with a combination of the Decorator/Strategy Patterns coupled with some Tensors for move-trees. This way moves and animations can be assigned
arbitrarily. All of the Attacks , Searches, Effects, etc are batched to a templated delegate system that executes any desired function across any desired partition of the board.
It takes me less than an hour to completely finish a new Unit. All that is required are assets(animations,sfx,models) which you've already made.

-How well documented it is
All commented with a version control(git).

Is your Unity SRPG engine shared/open source by chance that I could look at?
Unfortunately, it isn't. It's being used to run our game which is due on Steam for Early Access August 4th. I just wouldn't mind helping create another TAO while I have the free-time(till May). I can send you a Key to my game if you'd like to see. All I'd have to do is turn off the real-time code,over-watch system,push mechanics, etc and it'd just be a regular SRPG. So I would, with your blessing:
1 Take any assets/ccharacter types you made and turn it into a Unity version.
2 Release it on Steam for free.
3 Just ask that a Patreon be supplied to pay for the servers.
4 Add new Content over time.
In just this month I've added 8 new Units in the build I'm working on. To give you a scope:
HammerKnight, Spearman, Trap-Setter, Mime, Sealing Ward, Thunder Ward, BomberMan(lol), Ogre.
Each unit at a minimum has 4 abilities with potentially 2 over-watches.

Of course if you plan to release a commercial build then I understand if you don't commit to a rebuild.

EDIT: Do you know of anyone with the original models from TAO? A long shot, but I'd love to have those.