funny enough tunnels (sewers or caves too for that matter) looks incredibly difficult to do. Like to the point I won't even attempt it lol. It's literally easier to make the game sky match the real placement of stars and planets and shit from the real world than it is to make a cave.

Anyways here is a link to a playable demo from the asset I'm building off of for the game part:

You can't play on Google chrome (bummer) but like firefox, ie or safari or whatever works. These demo's (like menus UI all that) kinda show what can be done. More can be done, but that's the basic foundation. The demo's use tanks, but I can (and will) swap those for the units I have (units, animations and stats) from the previous video and the Units thread that's stickied. Also I can generate and make custom shaped boards. Each tile is also editable so like the deploy units areas can change, where collectibles spawn (or not at all) can change, all that jazz.