Thanks, Ach. For the record it never bothered me enough to actually bring it up but it’s way easier to hear shit talk from a fan than from someone who admits he doesn’t care at all about it. That’s just me though.
To me, if you were a hardcore Pats fan in here saying “Fuck you losers! Pats are the best EVAAAAHHH!!!” every weekend I’d be like “Well, he’s right. Fuck em but he’s right. I’d be saying the same thing if my team won 6 Superbowls”
But when you’re like “If the Pats have another championship parade and I have to sit through this again, I swear to God! You guys better get your shit together because I can’t handle another Super Bowl.”
It’s like nails on a chalkboard. It’s worse than bragging. Way worse. But whatever. It’s all in fun. Thanks for taking it well.